OpenSearch output

The OpenSearch output can be used to send records to OpenSearch, Open Distro for OpenSearch and Amazon OpenSearch Service.


Specifies whether the OpenSearch output is enabled.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • false


Specifies whether the data will be sent using Elastic Common Schema (ECS).

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • false


The maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for a batch of records to fill before being sent to the OpenSearch bulk API.

  • Default

    • 2000


The maximum size, in bytes, for a batch of records being sent to the OpenSearch bulk API.

  • Default

    • 8388608


Determines the timestamp source to be used to set the @timestamp field. Usually end would be the best setting. However, in the case of poorly behaving or misconfigured devices, collect may be the better option.

:::info Beginning with ElastiFlow 6.3.0 the OpenSearch output's default value for this setting was changed to collect. This will allow the collector to handle a wider variety of situations without additional configuration. If you wish to continue to use the old default setting of end, you should ensure that it is specifically set in your configuration. :::

  • Valid Values

    • start - Use the timestamp from flow.start.timestamp. The flow start time indicated in the flow.

    • end - Use the timestamp from flow.end.timestamp. The flow end time (or last reported time).

    • export - Use the timestamp from flow.export.timestamp. The time from the flow record header.

    • collect - Use the timestamp from flow.collect.timestamp. The time that the collector processed the flow record.

  • Default

    • collect


:::caution Beginning with ElastiFlow 6.4.0 the OpenSearch output's default value for this setting will be changed to rollover. This will enable the use of Index State Management (ISM) to manage retention of ElastiFlow indices. If you wish to continue to use the old default setting of daily, you should ensure that it is specifically set in your configuration. :::

  • Valid Values

    • daily - New indices will be created each day. The format of the time period suffix will be -yyyy.MM.dd.

    • weekly - New indices will be created each week. The format of the time period suffix will be -yyyy.'w'ww.

    • monthly - New indices will be created each month. The format of the time period suffix will be -yyyy.MM.

    • rollover - Index State Management will be used to handle the creation and deletion of indices.

  • Default

    • daily


It can sometimes be useful to have separate indices for different environments, locations or other organizational unit. This settings allow you to specify a suffix that will be added to the index for such purposes.

  • Default

    • ''


Specifies whether the output should attempt to add the required index template to OpenSearch.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • true


If the output is configured to add the index template to OpenSearch (EF_OUTPUT_OPENSEARCH_INDEX_TEMPLATE_ENABLE is true), this setting determines whether the index template should be overwritten if it already exists.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • false


The number of shards with which the index should be created. As a general rule, additional shards increases ingest performance, assuming there are sufficient data nodes across which the shards can be distributed.

  • Recommended

    • Equal to the number of OpenSearch data nodes to which data will be indexed.

  • Default

    • 3

:::note This setting configures the index template sent to OpenSearch. It does NOT change any existing indices. :::


The number of replicas that should be created for each shard. If using a multi-node cluster and data redundancy is desired, this value must be at least 1.

In general, additional replicas will increase query performance, assuming there are sufficient data nodes across which the replicas can be distributed.

  • Recommended

    • 1 if indexing data to a multi-node cluster.

    • 0 for a single-node.

  • Default

    • 1

:::note This setting configures the index template sent to OpenSearch. It does NOT change any existing indices. :::


Specifies the period for the refresh interval. The refresh interval is the time window in which newly ingested documents are added to a segment, prior to the segment being added to the index. Only after the refresh interval has ended and the segment has been added to the index do the documents become searchable.

  • Recommended

    • 5s - If the data needs to become available for queries more quickly. However shorter refresh intervals will negatively impact ingest performance.

    • 30s - (or longer) If maximizing ingest performance is the highest priority. Longer refresh intervals negatively impact the real-time accessibility of new records.

    • 10s or 15s - This is a reasonable compromise between ingest performance and data accessibility for most network traffic analytics use-cases.

  • Default

    • 10s

:::note This setting configures the index template sent to OpenSearch. It does NOT change any existing indices. :::


The setting determines the level of compression used for stored values.

  • Valid Values

    • default - Stored values are compressed using LZ4.

    • best_compression - Stored values are compressed using DEFLATE. This reduces disk capacity requirements with the trade-off of slightly higher CPU utilization.

  • Default

    • best_compression

:::note This setting configures the index template sent to OpenSearch. It does NOT change any existing indices. :::


If data is being stored to an Open Distro for OpenSearch cluster, this setting specifies the Index State Management (ISM) Policy ID that should be applied to the indices.

:::note The ISM Policy itself MUST be configured separately in OpenSearch. If EF_OUTPUT_OPENSEARCH_INDEX_PERIOD is set to rollover a default ISM policy will be added automatically with the name defined in this setting. :::

  • Default

    • elastiflow


If it is desired to process the incoming with an OpenSearch Ingest Pipeline prior to it being indexed, this setting specifies the name of the default pipeline.

  • Default

    • _none


If it is desired to process the incoming with an OpenSearch Ingest Pipeline prior to it being indexed, this setting specifies the name of the final pipeline.

  • Default

    • _none


This setting specifies the OpenSearch servers to which the output should connect. It is a comma-separated list of OpenSearch nodes, including port number.

:::danger Do NOT include http:// or https:// in the provided value. TLS communications is enabled/disabled using EF_OUTPUT_OPENSEARCH_TLS_ENABLE. :::

  • Default



The username to use when connecting to OpenSearch.

  • Default

    • admin


The password to use when connecting to OpenSearch.

  • Default

    • admin


The AWS Access key to use when connecting to OpenSearch via Auth Sig V4


The AWS Secret key to use when connecting to OpenSearch via Auth Sig V4


The AWS Region to use when connecting to OpenSearch via Auth Sig V4


The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to use for client PKI authentication.

  • Default

    • ''


The path to the client certificate to use for client PKI authentication.

  • Default

    • ''


The path to the client key to use for client PKI authentication.

  • Default

    • ''


This setting is used to enable/disable TLS connections to OpenSearch.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • false


This setting is used to enable/disable TLS verification of the OpenSearch server to which the output is attempting to connect.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • false


The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to use for verification of the OpenSearch server to which the output is attempting to connect.

  • Default

    • ''


Specifies whether to retry connecting to OpenSearch after a connection has failed.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • true


Specifies whether to retry bulk indexing requests which have timed-out.

  • Valid Values

    • true, false

  • Default

    • true


Specifies the number of times to retry bulk indexing requests which have timed-out.

  • Default

    • 3


If set, this value specifies the quantity of milliseconds that the output should "backoff" prior to retrying a failed bulk request.

  • Default

    • 1000


This setting allows for a comma-separated list of fields that are to be removed from all records.

:::note Fields are dropped after any output specific fields have been added and after any schema conversion. This means that you should use the field names as you see them in the user interface. :::

  • Valid Values

    • any field names related to the enabled schema, comma-separated

  • Example

    • flow.export.sysuptime,flow.export.version.ver,flow.start.sysuptime,flow.end.sysuptime,flow.seq_num

  • Default

    • ''


This setting allows for a comma-separated list of record types that the output will send will emit. This is particularly useful when used with multiple namespaced outputs, e.g. sending flow records to one datastore and telemetry to another.

  • Valid Values

    • as_path_hop, flow_option, flow , telemetry

  • Default

    • 'as_path_hop,flow_option,flow,telemetry'