License Agreement Not Accepted

The collector's log indicates, license agreement not accepted.


The collector's log indicates that the license agreement has not been accepted and the collector fails to start. For example:

flowcoll[7728]: 2023-06-12T09:29:24.125+0200	fatal	flowcoll	flowcoll/main.go:41	exiting because of a license error	{"code": "license/error", "reason": "license configuration: license agreement not accepted. Please update 'EF_LICENSE_ACCEPTED'"}


The EF_LICENSE_ACCEPTED parameter must be set to true indicating that you or your organization agree to the terms of the applicable ElastiFlow license. This log message indicates that EF_LICENSE_ACCEPTED is set to false, the default value.



:::caution Do not accept the license agreement unless you have the full authorization to do so, personally or as a representative of your organization. :::

After the license has been accepted you will see the following log message when starting the collector.

By running this software, you and/or the organization using the software agree and are bound to the terms of an ElastiFlow Inc. End-User License Agreement (EULA). For the Community (no license key), Basic and Trial tiers, the applicable license is the ElastiFlow Community EULA, which may be found at: For Standard and Premium Commercial tiers the applicable license is the ElastiFlow Standard EULA, or other terms agreed in writing with ElastiFlow Inc. The ElastiFlow Standard EULA may be found at: